Friday, October 2, 2009

Eid in Qatar and things that seem out of place...

Alhamdullilah, we have been granted another Ramadaan and Eid. Not knowing what to expect this year, being in a TOTALLY different environment than usual and not knowing anyone except for the immediate family here proved an interesting Eid. I used to think that rushing to prayer in the US by 8 or 8:30 am was so hard. Not anymore!!! We had to BE at the prayer bright and early by 5:45 with 7 children in tow. Let's just say...we didn't quite make it. We made it, but definately not on time!!! One of my children, and I won't say which, but anyone who knows me well will probably figure it out, would not get out of bed and when she did she was NOT happy and did not cooperate one bit. We wrestled to get out the door, she had a major fashion malfunction that caused her to scream all the way to the prayer and all the way back. Pausing just long enough when we arrived, got out of the car, found a spot in the dirt, yes the dirt and then promptly went back to the car. We missed the prayer, we missed the Khutbah, Alhamdullilah. I'm thinking for some crazy reason we were going to pray at the masjid that is literally 5 minutes from our house, no, no, no. We had to drive 15 minutes like maniacs to a stadium which was, Alhamdullilah, already full and so, we briefly sat in the end of the parking lot in the dirt. I am by no means complaining, it was actually quite humbling for I am used to praying the Eid prayer indoors, whether it be a masjid, a rollerskating rink, or an alliant center. It made me think of the Prophet (SAWS) and how sometimes it would rain and how he would pray in the mud, bowing into sujood, with no carpet, his beloved head resting on the ground. I kind of think of it as Eid, Bedouin style, if that is an okay phrase to use.

So, back into the car, more screaming until we get home and out of the dress that was so cute and yet so uncomfortable, still dont know exactly what the malfunction, but it must a been a doozy because sister girl screamed like a firetruck! And that was that, really. We were all so tired we all went back to bed and nobody got up until afternoon to open their gift, play, eat and yup, that was Eid at our house this year, Alhamdullilah!

So, I had to go experience some experiences before I could blog about what I have experienced. Along my way, I found some interesting things that, well, just dont seem right here. If you look at the pic of the cute little bonnet, called "Lusty Bunny" ok.... well that just didnt seem right to me, until I actually looked up the word and realized my gutter mind needed to expand a bit. It means more than what I was thinking, Alhamdullilah, it can also mean, joyous, or boistorous (sp) and that was a lot better than what I had on my mind! Which makes me feel so much better because this bonnet is obviously for a baby and the store we were in at the time is owned by a Muslim who is supposed to be good, Masha Allah, and they were playing Quran over the loudspeaker the whole time we were there. Lusty, just doesnt seem right for a child's item, just me maybe? Another here which I found kind of contrary to Muslim society in general is the "Virgin" records stores huge signs pasted outside of the malls. I can just hear little Arabic speaking children saying to their lovely ummi's (mothers) what is 'virgin' ummi?

Ok, and my daughter takes on Qatari boys!!!

Yes, within 2 days of being here, my lovely daughter A has established herself in our 'hood' as the girl not to mess with. It seems as though some naughty boys who live nearby were not so nice to our cousin and my dear, dear daughter A, was not having it and took on all 3 at once! Spitting, kicking, hitting and throwing dirt at them to keep the good name and protection of her male cousin. When the boys see me outside we were talking about the kittens which had been born on the street that we were worried about. The boys hear I am talking english and say, "Oh, you are A's mother?" "Shatara A (shatara means 'good girl'), she is like a boy, uh?" She is standing to the side smiling sheepishly looking at me. At the time I don't know why they say this to me, but later I found out the scenario and yup, yup, my girl has earned her name in the mean streets of our Qatar neighborhood! Alhamdullilah. Which when I think of mean streets, I think of ghetto and when I think of ghetto I think of how in America when you see shopping carts astray you generally know things are a changing in a neighborhood or particular stores. Can we say "Ghetto in Qatar?" Well, lets just say that in the malls here there are grocery stores and people take the shopping carts from the major grocery stores to the posh stores in the mall. So, you will see, (OK, I admit it, I have done it too here) someone in a store that sells like $3000.00 dresses with a Carrefour shopping cart with kids inside which by the way, no seat belts in the shopping carts here, people! And by the way I remember posting that yogurt by any other name is still yogurt. Excuse me while I stand corrected, I see major brand name food items here that taste NOTHING like what they taste like in American. Same company, same name, whole different, inferior taste. And it costs more just because it has that name on it! Just doesn't seem right!?!

Ok, not complaining, just experiencing and enjoying the ride. Ohhh, what a ride...

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